PVP Members

We are honored to have been selected by more than 150 manufacturers who put their trust and confidence in our ability to best position their military sustainment business. Large and small, near and far, our PVP members may focus solely on military products, while others manufacture commercial products that have some military applications. Regardless of size, location or product, we are committed to providing each and every member with exceptional service and insight to maximize their business.

Since 1997, when I joined Pioneer's Preferred Vendor Program, my Pioneer Account Executive has expertly taken care of all aspects of interfacing with the government for Arben Enterprises. Our expertise is in making quality parts to specification. Pioneer’s expertise is in everything else! PVP allows us to do our job more effectively because we know we can rely on Pioneer to take care of the rest, efficiently and professionally. We don't have to worry about details or logistics of sales and distribution falling through the cracks. They make a complicated and often bureaucratic process simple.

Nina L.Arben Enterprises