FARMINGDALE, N.Y. – Pioneer remains committed to the highest ethical standards. TRACE Compliance, Inc. has completed their due diligence of Pioneer Industries along with all key personnel with a favorable outcome determining Pioneer is now TRACE certified.
In order to become TRACE certified, Pioneer needed to complete a comprehensive due diligence process administered by TRACE, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organization.
Certification by TRACE signifies that Pioneer has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and have been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. The successful completion of “TRACEcertification” demonstrates Pioneer’s commitment to commercial transparency, allowing us to serve as a valued business partner to industry.
Receiving the TRACE certification is another accreditation for the Pioneer team validating of our collective ethical standards to support our industry partners, our country, and of course, our warfigthers. We appreciate the recognition.
-David Yormack, CEO